Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why am I so damn horrible in math?

I'm 15 and am currently attending a high school continuation program that is an online class. I failed algerbra 1 and barely got out of algerbra readiness in the 8th grade with a C-. I have been horrible in math since the 2nd grade but thanks to our horrible educational system, they passed me again all the way to high school. People say logical thinkers are usually good in math. Here's the thing. I AM a logical thinker. I can identify solutions to real world problems others can't see. I even applied the "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king" analogy to Susie Orman since I don't get why she is so popular. But that's not the point. I don't get why nothing ever clicks to me in math. I can't improve. I never get better. I forget things very easily and even if I take notes, when I get home, the notes look like someone else wrote them. I HATE studying because to me it never works. And I don't like being tutored by my brother. It's just the way I am. My brother is EXTREMELY smart in math but I hate being tutored by him. One of the things that REALLY REALLY PISSES ME OFF about math is how frustrating it is to me. My anger issues get in the way of me trying to solve a problem. I often get to the point of breaking things and have to calm myself down in class whenever I raise my fist to smash my desk with. I even get to the point of destroying my self-esteem by telling myself how much of a failure I am. I even CRY because of math. I CRY. A 15 year old man (I look like a friggin' 20 year old) CRYING. It's pathetic. Anyway, about my continuation program. The ONLY HOPE I HAVE IN GETTING INTO GEOMETRY NEXT SEMESTER. It BLOWS CHUNKS. You have this pie chart that is separated with slices that are math subjects. There is 250 (I think) topics you have to master. But here is the ******* RETARDED part. At the end of every day at this shithole, you do this assessment. It involves the whole pie chart into a 25 question mini quiz. I worked REALLY FREAKIN' HARD to get to over 170 topics. Then after finishing the assessment, I go down to 160!!!!!!! It doesn't stop there. I get back to 170 and the next assessment brings me down to 154!!!!! Thats FAILING!!!!............. I need to calm down. So as you can see, math is a ***** to me. It messes with my life. Everything is going fine until math comes along and screws everything up. Just like it always does. My Mom pretends to care and she just makes things worse. Also the person that watches us when we are in class bugs the hell outta me. Every time she says we have an assessment at the end of class, I clench my fist and start to shake in anger. Then go home, TRY to do some problems on the website at home, get angry. Exit out the window and cry about how stupid I am. I am not even that stupid. I like every other class. It's just math....... Why........ Why do they make us learn this? It's not even learning, It's just trying to memorize formula for the next test. It's a waste of time....... Help me......

When i am home alone my german shephard wont calm down.(please read the whole post before you answer)?

Sounds like your bf is the alpha dog in your pack. You are providing love but not enough leadership/discipline. You will need to practice a little tougher love and insist that he behave as well for you as he does for your boyfriend.

I know someone who knows someone who knows someone?

that has a clone. Their clone has become very jealous that they are not the original. This person wants to know how to get the clone to calm down with this situation and just be happy that they are a clone of a great person?

Piercing ears again after ears closing up the first time?

Do it at clairs again and real silver or gold. Dont touch them and make.sure you clean them all the time

My brothers "friend" keeps eyeing me, but I'm not gay!!!?

i wouldn't do anything at this point, but if he pushes it more, especially if it's obvious that he wants you, you should talk to him and tell him that you're not interested and that he should back off. If he denies any interest then he should stop bothering you, whether he really is interested or not. If he says he is interested, then you should tell him that you're not gay and that he should come out and stop lying to his gf and to others, in other words help him, but make sure he understands that you are not gay and that nothing will ever happen between you two.

I want to make a fabric collar for my bunny. Is it safe?

I really would love to make a stylish little collar for my bunny, just out of fabric so it is very flexible and would fit her perfect. I don't know if it is safe, though. She is very calm and wouldn't mind it at all.

Flying alone... Super nervous? Advise on how to stay calm& ease nerves? Thanks!?

Soo.. I am going on a plane by myself in a week. I have flown before, but I was little. I know it's safer to fly than drive, but for some reason I am letting he nerves get the best of me. The part I am most scared of is the take off/landing... Anyone understand where I am coming from? Any suggestions on how to calm my nerves? What to do on the plane to entertain/distract myself.

Did I do the right thing?

Ok so this hpnd 3dys ago...i was drivin from work to back home...nd in the the middle of this road i found a huge group of people gathering around somethin nd tokin...i got out of the car nd through the croud in curiosity...nd found a car slammed against a tree nd a guy with a white shirt red from complete shock i bent down to see who it was nd it turned out to be my soon to be husband....i m 4rm n indian family n so is he so our marriage is arranged...even though its arrangd we did get a say n liked each other....... got to knw each n hv been spendin sme alone tym togther be4our marriage...our engagement is in 2 weeks nd marriage in 4 nyway i put his arm around my neck nd carried him to my car nd took him to the hospital..i called evryone i cud n wen the doctor cme out he said dat evrything is fine he has sme injuries nd a lot of evryone went inside to see him since he hd gaind conciousness...i wiped off my tears wen i went inside....evryone met him talked to him each time he said he was fine nd that his injuries were vry small....his prnts cme n thnkd me n i jus said its my job...nd he smiled...thn wen evryone left him since he wud be dischargd n him were alone...i told him why hed been so careless with his drivin i told him tht i was worried...he wiped off my tears nd said watever happns, hppns for its own gud...i askd him wat was gud in this incident...he told me well i had gotten sme injuries nd he ***** wrk much for a week but the gud thing is that atleast he knws how his soon to be wife cares for him...i smiled nd helped him lay dwn...he tld me to go hme n not wory...i tld him take care nd turned to leave....thn i felt smething...n i turned around his eyes were closed...i stared at him as i bent down thn slowly i gently kissed him on the cheek...nd i said i love u his eyes opnd ...we stred at each othr for a few seconds...thn i smiled he smiled nd i quickly my question is did i do the right thing?? I mean in my family we r vry traditional nd even a lil peck on the cheek is only allowed after marriAge...but thts not wat m worried bout.. M jus thinkin bout wat he was thinking...i hv never touched a guy before..n i knw he hsnt touched a girl each but tht was the vry first tym i hd kissed ny one nd sme with him...i jus want to know wat he wud be thinkin bout the kiss plus he is really really hot!!! So i wus vry nervous to kiss him i dnt mean to say tht i m not pretty i am verry pretty n beautiful...but ny ideas on wat he wud be thinkin???

My question is why is everyone so nosy?

The reason i say that i wrote a message to Oprah Winfrey and some nosy rosy said i was boring but i was not i was expressing a letter to Oprah on her last day on the air and i hope she read it when she have time. Daphne Reeves

What do you make of this guy?

its the same story hasnt changed. unless he makes huge steps to show otherwise.....dont lead let him chase you....

I think my 30 gallon needs some work? help?

so my friend took the goldfish, shouldve known hed use them for oscar food :/ but better than being in a small crowded tank. my las dojo loach is about to kick the bucket, hes upside down and lying there but still breathing and my ammonias through the roof at 6ppm. i plan on letting the tank re-cycle and was wondering if i could just have a single severum fish in it. i saw them at the pet store when i went to have my water tested and the gold severums were just beautiful looking. i was wondering if i could have any in my 30 gallon?

Can a girl ask a guy out in highschool?

I knoiw people did that all the time in junior high but im going into my sophie year and i dont know, it just seems kind of immature. i mean i know 100% hed say yes but i dont know if it would be weird.

Is this just a game for him?

Your best bet would be to ignore him for a bit or go no contact. Dont talk to him unless he initiates it. When he notices you havent been contacting him a bunch of thoughts will go through his head and he will become interested.

Does he like me? 10 points?

there's this guy, a grade ahead of me. im going into eighth grade and i've known this guy since the begining of the school year. his name is andrew. we first met at a football game and my friend introced us and then she complimented me on my eye make up. after she did he stared into my eyes for about five seconds then my friend tryed to push our heads together.about a month later i got his number and we started texting. in january we had a dance, he didnt go and i danced with another guy from a different school. the guy and i started dating and i realized i didnt want to be with that guy i wanted to be with andrew. i told andrew that the guy wasnt my type and i wanted to dump him. andrew told me to give him his number and he would make him cry. i didnt. but about a month later my friend and i walked to his house about a mile away from mine. we were hanging out and he kept picking me up and trying to throw me in a creek and threatening to take my phone. then he slapped my butt. then my school went to a trip to a baseball game and he kept taking my sunglasses and i took his hat and was wearing it. then at the end of the year my school went to a park with a pool and golf coarse. in the pool he kept dunking me under and tackling me. he stayed around me and my friends all day. a couple days ago we were around his house at night and him, my friend ali, and her boyfriend/his bestfriend were around his house when it was dark and he kept taking my crutches and asking me random questions. then yesterday we were hanging out, him, my friend ali, and his friend who is ali's boyfriend. he kept trying to make me laugh and kept taking my phone and i had to run and tackle him for it. then today we were at his bestfriends house/ali's boyfriends house and we were all upstairs and ali's boyfriend and her were about to make out and her boyfriend was like andrew you can have sierra in the other room and he didnt say anything. then he kept slapping me and taking my phone until i tackled him again. and then he told me hed put it down his pants. but he always stares at me and texts me, i really like him, do u think he likes me? PLEASE HELP. thanks for reading(:

I'm getting a new female kitten. Which name is better?

So I'm getting a beautiful long haired kitty and I'm having problems deciding whether I should name her Daphne or Ingrid. So please, help me decide!

What it feels like to get hit by a paintball?!?

Im trying to convince my friend to go play paintball and he wants to know what it feels like to get hit before he agrees. I would just outright shoot him, but then hed get mad. So any examples of what it feels like that I can give him

I have to deliver a long speech tomorrow. What Do I Do? Help!?

Does Red Bull calm your nerves down a bit? I feel fine speaking with people but standing and presenting..... eh?

Where is the gang in scooby doo night of 100 frights?

Where do you find shaggy, velma, daphne, and fred in scooby doo night of 100 frights??? How do you rescue them?

Advice seriously needed?

Basically, I have an ex boyfriend who exactly yesterday last year broke up with me. he did some horible stuff and told me lies and made me think I had a chance of getting back together again because he's a nasty person and he thought it was funny. This went on for about 3 months after it ended and he would just mess me around about one a month after those 3, I'd add him back on facebook/ msn/ blackberry messenger, he'd start talking to me, cause a fight then delete me even though it was his fault but hed never accept me on facebook. I was really hurt because he meant a lot to me and he ended it for absolutely no reason. Eventually I just gave up and moved on because I knew hed never talk to me again so I haven't talked to him in a while and there's no reason we would want to talk. Then yesterday, exactly a year after we broke up he sent me a friend request on facebook which he never would have done before as every time I added him he ignored. I find it suspicious because we haven't talked in so long and there's no reason for him to add me. What do you think he's done this for?

Nicole Kidman might play the lead rome in Kenyan drama ‘Our Wild Life’ - Would you see it?

Don't know. I used to love her, but two years ago I was forced to watch Moulin rouge! which nearly made me cry it was so ******* awful. lol. So since then I haven't been able to watch her :( But if the stories good, maybe

So ive been seeing this man. it was weird because wed see each other and hed disappear on sundays. i gooogled?

He's playing you. He is still with his girl. Lives with her and all probably. Move on and you were right to block him. Just don't unblock him and start talking to him because once a player always a player. He will break your heart! There's more fish in the sea and i'm sure you can find a better guy who is not a player.

My girlfriend's parents hate me?

lets start off with the parents. if they dont like you for who you are then let it be. i understand its you and you girlfriend's relationship, not the parents. if you are truly in love with this woman then show her and her parents how much it means to you. the past cannot be undone and you can only move forward. in other words, we shouldnt condemn each other for our pasts because no one walking this earth's surface is perfect. so hey, sieze the moment...

Anyone know how i can control my extremely low functiong highly aggresive autistc brother?

he is 15 and is about 5.9. thz to synergy he has the strength of 1 and a half men. he can become aggresive at the drop of a hat over somthing as simple as he wanted the water you were drinking even though you just gave him 2 big glasses of it. (real situation happend yesterday) and when he goes bonkers he can literally bring you down to the ground with one hand. and nothing we do seems to calm him down. hes on meds and they do absolutly nothing. his psychiatrist who is supposed to be the best in our state has absolutly no personality and her only advice is to put him in an institiute. and that was on the first day she met him as a lil boy when he wasnt so aggresive. the only reason why we are still with her is because noone else will take him. weve tried other and they gave the same song and a dance put him in a home. were at wits end, and we dont belive in putting him in a home. and as for things weve tried at home, weve tried an art and dance, program for autistic kids and that turned out to be a total joke. we attempted to try the whole horse back thing but before we even made any appt they said it wasnt a good idea since he was aggreisve and could spoke the horse. and we tried the whole glutein free ting for about a good 3 months. but not only did we see any results it was coslty for. keep in mind were not the richest people. and as i said in the question he was diagnosed as low functiong, highly autisc i belive somthing to that effect. so do you have any kind of possible idea that i could do to help my lil brother, hes getting older and stronger. any at all suggestions would be great appreciated.

How can i tame my hamster?

my hamster lets me pet her but not hold her she is not yet tamed! i just cant tame her ill get her calm in my hands and a second later shes scared of me again and tries to run from me! what can i do to make taming her easier for the both of us?!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

He Left & I Can't Take this...Please Help?

Okay so i was at my sisters house.. and lets just call him "bob" so bob was coming over to watch a movie with us but he got there and something made him very angry with me i wont go into detail because its long. But I asked if he could take me home and he did and in the car i tried talking to him and he just turned his music up really loud and ignored me and when i was home i turned it down and tried talking to him and we had this arguement and he said he didnt wanna be with me right now and he wanted me to get out of his car. I refused for a while but everytime i tried talking hed turn his music up. I grabbed his hands a few times and he pulled away. ( hes a good guy he was just really angry but hed never hit me ) and the last time he turned the music up really loud i got out of his car and ran into my house. he sped away and I just texted asking if he would come back. I kind of regret it because hes not replying and probably wont. Im really scared and i dont know what to do. Should I leave him alone?? Or try talking to him more because it really bothers me that he wont talk to me about things, yeah i understand that hes upset but he's not being very nice to me..So should I leave him alone tonight and maybe try tomorrow or what? Please help im so confused and i just want him to come back :(

How can my dog calm me?

Today I felt a Little down because I hated where I was living and people hate me here. My 4 year old **** Tzu, Charlie, came and sat at my feet, whinning, until I picked him up. I felt calm and didn't care where I was anymore, that Charlie calmed me with nothing but me lifting him up and holding him. I love Charlie like he is my son, but he use to not beable to do this until I left for 8 mounths then came back. I this normal for Charlie to calm me and will it happen forever, or just till the happy-giddyness of me being back wears off? Help!

Havent seen my boyfriend in a month :/?

Well leaving to much space between you and your boyfriend, will make your boyfriend lose attraction to you. So I say meet him at his work after he gets off and go have some quality time.

What fender color is billie joe armstrong's "blue" guitar? daphne blue or sonic blue?

Everything that I ever look up says its "POWDER BLUE", and I think that's what it is. Also I really want a guitar just like that, just thought you should know.

Which is a better name for my female kitten?

Daphne, in my opinion. You can call it Daph for short. Maybelline's too long, it'll be confusing for the kitten & I don't think it sounds good if you have to shout a make-up brand across the house lol.

Bad Taurus traits... how to avoid them?

So .... I really want to become a more 'upbeat' and confident person!! Not dense and slow.... stubborn like I am (I'm a taurus/earth element, which explains everything) is there any possible advice? Even if it takes a lot of practice! I'm up for it, I just don't want to be like such a 'down, calm, weak, dense, slow' type of person, I wanna be like fire! I still want to be grounded and dedicated, focused and all... but I don't want to be dense, it's a bad trait that's a defect especially for career-related! If anyone has any advice, it would be beyond extremely helpful!!

My cats FIGHT, help please!?

You introduced them ALL wrong. You took a female cat and threw her into a different female's territory without any preface. You should take them to neutral territory where they've never been and let them interact for a while. Then keep them separate for a while. Let Dinah roam one or two rooms and Daphne get the rest of the house for a few days. Then switch. slowly let them around each other under supervision until you're 100% sure they won't be harming one another.

Would anybody else like to see Dolph Ziggler become a face?

dolph ziggler is getting a us title match sunday but does anyone else agree hed make it bigger as a face? he just seems like a more natural face in my opinion, what do you think?

Having issues trusting the boyfriend after a stupid lie - will this feeling go away?

Hun, I'll tell you something from experience. If you don't trust him, you can't be with him. I was in a four year relationship and the entire time I didn't trust him because he, too, had a history of cheating and getting a new gf every week. Till this day I love him but I will never be able to trust him which is why I'm not with him. My point is, if it doesn't feel right, don't do it! I didn't trust him and I would tell him I didn't care if he would hang out with girls or talk to girls or whatever, but once I found out he talked to all these girls I thought he was cheating so we constantly broke up and got back together for four years, Now when I think of him, I want to punch him in the face because I know that I can't trust him. My ex boyfriend would do the same things your boyfriend is doing. I'm not saying break up with him, but I am saying be careful and if you want to be with him you have to trust him because you can't be in a relationship with someone you don't trust. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship along with honesty. The difference between my ex boyfriend and your boyfriend is my ex boyfriend wouldn't tell me he was going to places. I found out from his friends. Also my ex boyfriend was a hypocrite since he wouldn't let me talk to my guy friends, but I didn't listen. Basically just do what you think is right.

Help with a Frasier episode?

Its the episode where Daphne accidentally tapes over one of the tapes of his show, then him and Niles go to a listeners house, only to find he is obsessed with Frasier.

What quote is this from?

I don't remember the entire thing, but I think it talked about confronting dragons, that if you expect hostility, the dragon will be hostile, but if you expect a calm dragon, it will be calm.

Is he playin m eor does he love me HELP?

ive been seeing this bloke the last year and a half now and we had our ups and downs always arguing and we ended up breakin up on and off a few times but we both say we love each other and i honestly do love him and recently we got back seein each other and he stays over and all in my home with my 2 kids and he is great with them he is 9 years older than me and i thought hed be alot more mature well we got in to a conversation last night and i said are we back together and he said no not yet were just seein how it is goin and i said but why are u callin the shots its not fair.. but he says he loves me and wants to spend his life with me but im really mixed up.. and last night i rang and tol dhim i cant do it anymore bcs im goin in a circle and he he was cryin then and said jen i know i love u and i said well ok ill give it 2 weeks and if theres no arging and all and he said ye we will get together he said he doesnt wanna rush back into a relationship bcs we had a bad break up.. i this guy playin me or is he afraid of commintment he is 31...

Why does my mum always do the things i tell her not to do (always have a reason)?

she is the adultl and can do what she wants lol there is nothing that is oing to change this...its just how parents are :/

Need help thinking of a way to decorate my room? And finding things?

I'm moving in July, and will have about 3 weeks to Decorate my room. My Dad says I can theme it as long as it looks good. I'm getting a queen bed (not sure if loft or floor bed.) I like the colors deep green(emerald green), black, deep red, and amethyst purple. I like music a lot and my taste ranges from techno to rock to some country to screamo/hardcore. I play the flute, and love photography. I need help thinking of a theme and finding things to put in my room. I'm 14 by the way if it helps any. I want a calm but still unique kind of look. Only a little neon if at all.

What would you do if you where me?

A while back i got married and a week later the guy told me he only married me for citizenship and he was in love with another woman and at the time i was pregnant with a child that wasnt his (webhad broken up when i got pregnant). So about a year later i started dating again and started dating this guy and fell in love and he moved in with me, well.. one he asked to use my phone to check his myspace and i let him and while he was in the shower i checked my browser history on my phone and read his messages from myspace and found out he was cheating on me with a bunch of women and men! So i was drinking already before that and i kept drinking and tried to let it go but it just hurt too much so i took my car keys and went for a short drive and when i came back i ran into his car repeatidly.. went to jail and got charged with aggravated domestic assault (please dont judge me).. okay so some time went by and i went to probation n all that stuff and i started dating again and fell in love with someone else... well.. this guy turned out to be a real psychohe was abusive and ruined everything i had.. he wrecked two of my cars completely, robbed my family and me on several occasions, cheated on me, when i tried to break up with him he would threaten to hurt me and my child and family and when i called the cops on him, when i could actually get to the phone which most of the time was impossible cause hed hold me down or block doorways or beat me down but when the cops would show up, he would run if it was inside the apartment and they said they would go lookin for him n take him amd they didnt.. he called me an hour later and said he was across the street at a payphone. Another time when i called the cops, he pulled a knife out and said he would kill me if i didnt tell him what he wanted to hear and this was in my car that he was driving so i was forced to jump out of the car while he was driving and the cops picked me up and i gave them the plate number on my car and later that day he showed up at my house to pick me up... :( out of the several times i called the police on him they only took him once for three months and didnt even put him on probation or anything and even said i was abusing him one time that i called cause i bit him in self defense.. and they mentioned that i had a record of domestic violece with the ex and said they thought i was abusing him and would take ME if it happened agian! Well.. eventually i got sick of thier bs in tennessee and tricked my boyfriend into running away with me to seattle.. my real plan was to get him to do the same thing he was doin to me in tennessee in seattle and get him locked up for good and finaly get a protection order cause in tennessee if you dont have their address you cant get it.. up here, you can. So i did it.. he ddidnt end up getting locked up for as long as i had wanted.. but he finaly left me alone. While we where together one of his exes told me he was like that with her too. Im the first girl hes had to actually do something about it. So now im in seattle and i got pregnant last feburary by a guy i was dating and he also abused me and got deported and i stopped dating, and randomly met my current boyfriend. He aksed me to keep the baby and said he wanted to care for me and the kids and hes not abusive but, hes cheating on me and has been since i moved in with him.. so my problem is this, i have two little girls 4 years old and 6 months old and i have a warrant in tennessee and no longer want to live with this guy and have no way to make money except for the fod stamps and tanf i get from the state till they find out i have a warrant and i dont want to loose my babies n them end up in foster care and having an f*@#ed up life like myself and i only have one friend up here and shes really dirty and smokes too much bad place for the kids. Ive already lost one baby to the state when i was sixteen and i would fall apart and die inside if i had to loose two more :( please help me figure this out. Thank you sooo much!

When i sing it sounds like im moaning.. :( oh no?

no matter how hard i try or how much i dont try, how loud or quiet i am it comes out like moaning! my natural talking voice is your basic high pitch california voice, high pitch, calming, i either talk really slow or really fast you get it. ok well i dont know if i sing high or low i think im in the middle cause i can do both; just not well. im a pretty sucky singer. i really want to be able to sing anything from selena gomez to maroon 5 to all time low to mumford and sons to katy perry to the killers to the main to kesha.i dont want to sing like them i just want to be able to do a huge range of songs while keeping my voice unique, well yeah you get it. why does it sound like im moaning and how do i fix it?even when i talk it some times sounds like im moaning i do moan a lot. im just very vocal. i really need to fix it. its embarrassing that i cant sing without sounding like im in pain or overly excited....

Do you think she's overreacting?

Okay so here's the story, Two nights ago I remembered It was going to be my girlfriends Birthday( 1year 3 months ^-^) the day after, but I had no money to get her anything, so I call my friend to give me any ideas that would get me cash fast, he brought up his little fight club he had going on but I had refused many times before, But this time I had no other choice but to do it. He told me the last man standing wins 3 grand, so I figure might as well give it a try, So I go, and i actually win ( im not going to lie they hurt me pretty bad but I say it was worth it :D ) So with my newly hard earned cash I decided to buy her a diamond necklace, On my way there, I looked at my reflection and I was cut up pretty bad and I had a Black eye, I couldn't really do anything about it since the store was going to close, so i went in there and purchased the necklace and left, I got home and tried to put the swelling down and disinfected my cuts. The next day I arrived at her home, But she was shocked to see me in that state and asked me what happened, Of course i wasnt going to tell her, but she called my buddy and his dumbass didn't know she was going to flip out if she actually knew what I did to get her that necklace. Now she knows and shes pretty pissed at me, she doesn't even want to talk, what should I do to calm her down? Why is she so mad? any ideas?

Is it okay for ex's to stay friends?

my boyfriend is friends with an ex of his, who cheated on him with a girl a while back, and moved out of state. They occasionally talk on facebook... and it drives me NUTS. He said hed fight to be able to talk to her once in a while on facebook when i asked him to stop talking to her...... i think thats inappropriate. what do you guys think?

Would YOU be mad about this?

babe, this makes NO sense what so ever, but i'll answer. so, sara likes daphne but daphne is back w/ her husband? Sooooooo f*cked up.

Can I house these two leopard geckos together?

My older gecko, who is about 3 years old, is 8" in size. It is definitely a female. She is very calm and is a poor hunter. Would it be safe to house her and a new baby gecko together in the same 10 gallon cage? I am almost positive she couldnt steal food from the younger gecko, given her quite poor hunting skill.

Is he just leading me on?

It sounds like he really likes you but is unsure whether you like him. It seems like you both draw away from each other at different times. I think that you should initiate a conversation and joke about where he's been for the last week. I think he'd be happy to hear from you! :-)

Should i take him back? im really confused ;0(?

Yes- agreed you are confused. You seem to be using your breaking up/ making up, as a means of domination. Perhaps you may be learning that co operation leads to a far better life.

My ex boyfriend is sending me very confusing mixed signals?

I'm 14 turning 15 soon and he's 16 . We were boyfriend and girlfriend for 9 months my longest and best relationship and we both lost our virginity to each other.. At the end our relationship he started doing drugs and me and him became distant and we used to hang everyday but at the end we just stopped hanging out and so he met an 8th grader and they had a thing and I used to be friends with her so it was pretty ****** up of her . Anyways he broke up with me randomly over the phone and for 2 weeks straight I didn't sleep or eat properly because I was so depressed about the break up because he was my first love and I didn't get how he cud throw all our memories away . Anyways he had a thing with her but me and him would hang and hed come on to me and kiss me and try doing things and me being stupid I went with it because I was still in love with him but idk what he was doing sometimes he'd cry and say he still liked me and that he missed me and all this stuff .then then lastday of school I had to go on vacation for a month and he met up with me 20 minutes before I had to go and he told me he was gonna miss me alot and was crying and stuff and i kissed him and i guess he was going out with the 8th grader anyways it's been two weeks since I'm on vacation and he's been texting me everyday and he's saying like he's still loves me and wants me back and stuff but he still going out withthat girl but i guess they never even talk and then some times when we text it doesn't even seem like he still likes me .. I'm not sure what to do I'm still in love with him but I don't want get used by him and btw I'm his first serious relationship and most girls think he's annoying and everyone said he will never beable to get anyone better then me . But yeah some one give me advice pleasee

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why is My Puppy Suddenly Aggressive?

Sometimes when a normally nice pet pet all of sudden acts aggressive, it may mean they are in pain. Take him to the vet for an exam is my suggestion.

Do you believe in the phrase "Once a cheater, always a cheater"?

My girlfriend cheated on me with a guy that she used to have sex with a lot. The last time she had sex with him was in 2010 but he's been staying at their house for a little while...and somehow it happened. The guy told me that she started to cry in the middle of it, and they quit after about ten minutes. I can tell she's genuinely sorry; she cried in my arms all day, and I was so shocked and all I could do was just tell her that I still love her the same and that everything was okay. She kept saying that it wasn't okay and asked me why I wasn't pissed off. I just held her and tried to calm her. She really is sorry and she swears on Bob Marley (her hero) that she'll never do it again. I believe her, but at the same time I think I could be being naive. So, do you guys think there's a chance that she won't do it again? Or do you think that once you're a cheater, you're always a cheater. Btw were both girls, and we've been together since January. I really love her and I think everyone deserves a second chance. But yeahh, I want a second opinion.

Redecorating..need an older room ASAP [10 pts!?]?

i have light blue walls with seashells around the tops of my wall in my room...well i was 12 when i did this, its been a couple years now and i NEED change..i cant re-paint it for a hoping i could maybe see if the left over paint outside is still good and cover the fish and stuff? i cant use wall paper..i was thinking of getting the huge rolls of paper..drawing on them and putting that up..but see sadly my grandfather is really strict so i gotta be careful what i do, like no taking the paint off or anything, other than that it should be fine, idk how hed react to the paper though...any ideas...oh and the furniture too ive had it since i was reallllly little and its just too big and in the bed has a foot-board and headboard..and it really is just too big and takes up most of my room, i would put the mattresses on the floor, like a normal person [well all my friends] but my mom complains about dust and if bugs get on it so what can i do?..and my bed and dresser and everything is kinda ugly..i need a more grown up room..and im into all the gothic/emo/scene stuff..and whenever my friends come over they always question my room why its for a 12 yr yeah i need ideas FAST!..WITHOUT buying anything cause my mom wont let me go out and buy anything cause she doesn't have the money..well shes saving to get me my new computer since mine i need help asap :) Thanks in advance!!

Does Getting A Tattoo Hurt?

Ok so im turning 16 in a few days and for my birthday my uncle is taking me to get my first tattoo. now i have a slight phobia of needels and im not sure how to keep myself calmed down while getting it any sugesttions on how to keep cool? and im getting it on the back of my shoulder will that make it hurt more?

How can I get my dog to stop growling?

My dog is very protective and growls at other dogs if they get too close. But I'm just wondering is there any way I can get her to calm down and maybe accept other dogs a little better?

Why don't most people like the name Daphne?

it's one of my favorite names and i love it. But no one else seems to :( please let me know why! I know its the name of a scooby doo character but she was the pretty one! lol idk but i just love this name... so why don't you?

Please help im really losing it now?

hi guys n gals. 4 yrs ago i lost my brother to a very sick muscle wasting and brain wasting disorder (Huntington's disease) 3 months after he died i started to drink very heavily but got detoxed and no im alcohol free. from been a child i was diagnosed with bpd (borderline personality disorder) 2/12 yrs ago i was all so diagnosed with ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) and now im getting a lot worse. im getting very angry for no reason with the people i love and the ones that love me. now im a 39 yr old man with a superb son who is doing great in collage and im so proud of him. i also have a fantastic wife who helps me in every way she can.but yesterday my son said something to me and for no reason i felt my blood boil and i really wanted to hurt him physically and the only way i stopped my self was to leave the house for a hour to calm down but im so scared that one day i might snap and really hurt somebody and its not natural for a 39 yr old father to want to hurt my own son ..thanks for reading this any suggestions advise would be gratefully appreciated

A little trouble with my girlfriend?

My girlfriend keeps packing on the pounds. I the past 2 months, she gained 35 lbs. She comes to me and cries on my shoulder and I reassure her that it's ok and that I love her for who she is. I actually prefer bigger women. I don't tell her that though. I am very cool with it and she is ashamed of herself. It seems every day there is a different pair of jeans that doesn't fit her anymore and she just cries and cries. I just try to keep her calm and tell her how much I love her. What do I do?

How can I calm down and learn how to drive?

I have generalized anxiety disorder and I definitely am nervous about driving. I'm extremely afraid of hurting somebody or myself, even when I'm with my mom practicing. I have to drive a big van and its difficult to can I learn and be calm?

T-t-tampon? Help inserting a tampon.?

5th try at inserting a tampon. I know where the vagina is. My hymen is not covering the whole hole. I've had my period for over 3 years now. I'm a virgin. I know how to do it. I'm pointing it at my lower back. I'm using a slim easy glide brand at the smallest size. I'm calm while I'm doing it. Yet I still can't get a tampon it! Ugh! Please help.

16 year old son crying for his mom?

he's a completely normal popualr teenage boy with alot of friends. i got a call from school saying hed burst out crying in class for me and he wouldn't stop so they had me come in...and he just kept crying and he hugged me but he never told me why he was upset even if i asked? he just cried? is this normal?

What is he up to? please give me advice!?

Basically, I have an ex boyfriend who exactly yesterday last year broke up with me. he did some horible stuff and told me lies and made me think I had a chance of getting back together again because he's a nasty person and he thought it was funny. This went on for about 3 months after it ended and he would just mess me around about one a month after those 3, I'd add him back on facebook/ msn/ blackberry messenger, he'd start talking to me, cause a fight then delete me even though it was his fault but hed never accept me on facebook. I was really hurt because he meant a lot to me and he ended it for absolutely no reason. Eventually I just gave up and moved on because I knew hed never talk to me again so I haven't talked to him in a while and there's no reason we would want to talk. Then yesterday, exactly a year after we broke up he sent me a friend request on facebook which he never would have done before as every time I added him he ignored. I find it suspicious because we haven't talked in so long and there's no reason for him to add me. What do you think he's done this for?

Do you Think Virgo's Archetype is truly Ruled by Apollo?

from what i have heard apollo is associated with Leo while the word jupiter is the roman word for the greek god Zeus. since Jupiter in astrology is the ruler of Sagittarius, it makes sense that Sagittarius is the modern equivalent of Zeus and not taurus. the word apollo is believed to be of non greek origin. its thought to have entered the greek culture through asia minor, civilizations like the Hittites may have exported the culture to greece. apollo was the sun god, in ancient times the sun had always been associated with the east, as it rose from the east. and therefore the origins of worshiping the sun makes sense to be from the east. fire had always been worshiped by the people of asia minor, primarily in places like northern Iraq and the pre-persian civilizations of modern day Iran which also became part of the Persian culture as well. the sun is the ruler of Leo in modern astrology and therefore it makes sense that apollo is the ancient equivalent of Leo. the only ancient equivalent of Virgo i can think of is the Germanic god called Odin. Tacitus seems to associate Odin with the roman god of mercury. mercury being the ruler of Virgo can be its modern equivalent.


I didn't expect it to happen , my boyfriend and I were just making out and yeah.. BUT . it wasn't his penis that went into me , it was his fingers . Now here's why I think I'm pregnant... Before that happened he had a ***** when we were making out , he unzipped his pants and touched his penis to try to calm it down, but then I saw he came a little , so now I'm wondering what if he touched the sperm with the same fingers he fingered me with? But he came just a little bit , the size of a rain drop. And this happened the day AFTER I was done with my period, so I was done ovulating .I'm just really worried at this point, I'm not ready for a child and I didn't plan on this happening. I asked him if he knew if there was sperm on his fingers when he did it but he said hes sure he didn't get any but I'm just freaking out right now. I don't want to tell my parents about this either , only my cousin and 2 of my best friends know about this... I really dont know what to do. PLEASE HELP ME...

I told a guy he made me feel like sh*t and now no contact?

people never apologize unless they realize that they'd done something awful; i don't think that you'd done anything to be sorry for. :)

Scary attack this morning, could I be diabetic?

This morning, I had the scariest thing happen. When I woke up I had a rapid heart rate and was shakey...didn't think too much of it, but when I stood up out of bed, I was incredibly weak and shakey, hard to catch my breath when I tried to talk, and literally felt like I was going to fall down. I then began to sweat badly! I'm talking sweat literally soaking my clothes and running down my legs. I looked down and my arms, legs and face were red. Red like I had just gotten out of a hot shower. I felt hungry. I went to the fridge and for some reason, grabbed the OJ and chugged a bunch... within a literally a minute of that, the severe shaking and sweating stopped. My heart rate stayed up for a few more minutes, and so did the red skin, but within about 10 minutes of drinking the OJ, I was fine. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!? I'm freaking out and called my doctor, but if anyone knows what happened to me, please help calm me down.

Do you think I could be pregnant?? Please help?

It's been 2 weeks since my husband and I have had unprotected sex. We had sex the last day of my period. The past couple days I feel like I have something stuck in my throat I have been feeling nausea, on occasion light head and dizzy. My stomach feels like there is a brick in it. I'm tired all the time. I have a milky like discharge, my breast are swollen and very firm also I'm hungry all the time but when I eat I feel sick. Also I have been very moody!! ( my poor husband) My period is two long weeks away and I was just wondering if it my sound like I'm pregnant.... Just to calm my mind please help me? If I am pregnant, I can't believe I'm experiencing the symptoms within two weeks of conceiving!!!

Have i messed up or was he just after sex anyway?

i think it was both. you messed up and he was just after sex. if he came over to make you feel better you should have let him but chances are that's not the reason he came over he prolly just wanted sex. you don't need him :)

Which full name is best ?

Cynthia burwell or cynthia white o and for a first name what about gloria or u can do eva as the first name luna as the middle hope this helps

What do you think of these names for a girl?

A little more variety would be better for a story. Remember, these are supposed to be real people in the universe you created and not everyone has the same taste in names. Throw in some more common ones, some from other cultures maybe.

Why did Jesus have to suffer?

We need to be careful when we are asking questions like this. Isaiah 55:6 His ways are not our ways. Christ had to die to pay a price he did not owe to satisfy a debt we humans could never pay. God made Him (Christ), who knew no sin, to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” 2 Corinthians 5:21

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Does methamphetamine act as a partial/full beta-blocker?

We know that small doses of d-methamphetamine calm certain people down, is this due to its effect as a beta-blocker or something else?

Girls; are these symptos normal during menstrual cycle?

I've been having backaches and nausea ... extreme headaches and very sleepy I want to know also how I can calm pain down? Any suggestions I've never had these symptoms thank u


WOW! You said a mouth full! I apologize for everything you are going thru! I wondered, is there any family around that could possibly be utilized to assist, if not, by your father being military, i don't see why social services or a military agency, couldn't assist your family, at least with a in home care assistant to help your mom out and because you are too young to have to carry so much on your shoulders! But, believe me, there are programs out there that can help, your mom just has to take the lead to get those resources! Also, your father needs to get alittle more involved, i know he is in the Air force, but he is a father and Husband! Good luck to you and don't give up hope!!

Starting horse riding lessons again, and I have some worries?

when horses sense that your are scared/nervous they pick up on it and it unsettles them which probably results in the falls !!! .. stay calm ... you will be fine

How can I calm down from fear?

I'm freaking out over something that's happening, and need to calm down. It's mostly fear, and I'm afraid this is gonna keep me up. Can anyone tell me how to calm down?

Why can't I not do this?

As long as you live with your parents they make the rules. I don't agree with your parents. You can try talking to them but remember they make the final say.

Lawyers help, or advice needed?

Hey Im in desperate need of professional help.Recently about 3 days ago me and my mother have gotten in a esculation involving me and her fighting.Im going to tell you how it all went down and at the end tell me how i should handle this in court.Wensday June,1,2011 around 11:am my mother was complaing about stuff and came bashing into my room witch i h ave barracaded.I wasnt fully dressed ,I tried to politely ask her to leave and she said no so i grabbed her and tried to move her out of my room.She reached out and slashed me with her nails on my stomach.I looked and saw 3 2inch scratch marks on my stomach.In seeing that i let go of her and walked out of my room.After i walked out of my room i said I am going to call the police.Then and there i headed for the stairs she came behind me and grabbed me in a choke hold and she pulled me into the kitchen.I pulled her arm of me and used my side body to force her down on the ground.The second she was down on the ground I shoved my foot on her butt.Right at that second i ran for the stairs making it half way down.She came darting down the stairs after me.I threatend to hit her if she didnt leave me alone.I slowly walked down the stairs and made to the floor.She pushed me aside and ran in front of the door.She said to me why am i doing this and i showed her my marks and said this is why.I grabbed the door with my right arm and pulled it as hard as i could with her in front of it.I managed to get out side ,and she said you hurt yourself in the kitchen.She then got into her car wich was parked in front of the apartment and drove to the front office where i was heading to use the phone,becuase i dont have a cell or house phone.While walking to the office i thought to my self wtf am i doing this is my mother the only family i have.And since i turn 18 in 4 months i can just move out.So I walked back to the house and went to sleep.The next day my mother said to me she called the police on me and i have a warrent for my arrest???Im at a ******* totall backwards ******* sitchuwashin ,Im already on prohbation for hitting her an incedint that happened 2 year ago.I dont know what to do.If i get another charge ill go to a juvinile camp **** my prohbation officer has bin talking about with me.Well im not at a total loss i guess here is my plan.I called a man named darryle, he is a father figure to me and told him what happened.He said hed be there for me.My plan in court is to plead not guilty and tell them the truth.If i get found not guilty ill ask the judge to permit guardin ship to darrlye and transfer my records and stuff to the city he lives in.If i get found guilty ill end up in a juvinile camp for about a year and god knows get into how many fights there and maby die.So now knowing the shitty position im in,PLease ******* Help Me!!!!

What does this mean? helppppp...?

you have to face him and if he chased away like always you should forget him then and try to know the reason why he did all that may be he is innocent and may be not and if not you know what you have to do for your own sake of course

Guy i like.we been chatting daily by text lots?

Learn how to talk. Youur grammar is terrible. And I usualy don't mind but I could barely finish reading it

What is this machine for abs called?

You lie down and put your head on a hed rest and you grab a bar above and you lift your head which gives some ab workout. What is this machine

Should i call boyfriend or wait it out ?

my boyfriend and i have been together for alittle over three months and talk on the phone almost everyday. He had told me on friday he wasnt feeling too well. On saturday we talked for a little bit and he was happy and cheery when talking however he had said he felt like he was coming down with something, before he hung up he said that hed call me later. Later that night he called me again sounding miserable and saying he would call me sunday because he felt really sick. He had never called saturday nor today. He had gone before without talking to me for almost a week before because he said he wanted space from everyone even his good buddies and that it wasnt personal and that he was just stressed from work. During that time i was stressing that he was never going to call me again. This time im not too stressed because i know that hes probably sicker than a dog. So should i wait it out until he calls or should i call him tomorrow or in a few days to check on him to see how hes doing and to wish him well? I dont want to be clingy what so ever.he had told me that Normally when he gets sick it lasts for a good week or so and if thats the case he might not call me within that time. I dont think i could go that long without knowing if hes alright :| . Any advice would be awsome. Thank you

Going to court for joint custody...????? Will he win?!?!?!?

It is doubtful he will get custody. Make sure you file for support at the same time since he will be in town.

Why do i have such low self esteem?

I think im so ugly, and even though people say im not i feel like im so ugly inside and out. i hate it. im in a relationship its been 7 months and hes the most amazing guy ever. we've been together for 7 months and hes such a faithful caring honest guy. I know hed never cheat on me but i just get so scared that one day hes gonna go back to his ex. he tells me he doesnt like her but shes going around starting **** about me and i really dont like her, and sometimes i feel like he stands up for her instead of me and i get so insecure about myself and his feelings for me. why do i feel like this? i dont want to = (

Can john farnall see this?

if john farnall can see this one just like he saw the rest... find somethin better to do smak hed :) prison... drugs... violence... murder... whore of a wife.... no daddy you have nothing :) so *** off now.. while you still have the chance :)

Why do I keep hurting myself?

Sometimes, usually at night, I get extreme impulses to hit myself, punch myself, pinch myself (etc). Basically, anything that will cause pain to me. It's basically like...I'm lying in bed and all of a sudden I feel as though I .need. to do this. Then, I have to tell myself to stop and to calm down, but eventually, the craving comes back. What's happening to me?

I'm so ANGRY I need to DESTROY something!!!!!!?

Family issues......I need to destroy something to calm down. And talking to them isn't such a good idea as I might end up destroying their face......what should I break? I don't think I've ever been this angry....what do I do?

Do you like the names Callie & Caitlin for twin girls?

I think Callie and Caitlin are beautiful, separately or together! Where did your middle names come from? They are very unique.

Me and my girlfriend are 16 but its becoming a nightmare with her parents.?

Ok, so my gf and I met through her brother. my old bestfriend, I asked him with upmost respect if I could date his sister. Me and this girl have everything in common and I mean EVERYTHING and that's why I went against my word that I wouldn't date his sister. Anyways he txted me back and said you can leave now or their will be consequences. He continually threatened me with physical affliction, that hed break me open and ruin my life mentally. He told his mom that I'm a horrible person and painted a bullsht picture.. Now can this girl stay.with me if she really wants to an disobey her parents? I mean im not provoking this she's doing this on her own. She disowned her brother because "hes not afraid to go to jail"so I'm clueless on this situation. Can she stay with me even if mama and papa say no.. I mean this isn't iraq where you have pre arranged marriages and companions.

What type of bird is good for me?

i want a small bird but i want a bird that i can play with but then again i don't wanna spend sooo much money on it i also tooken care of a wild bird and have a cage it has 2 roofs =D and the wire isnt big so it cant get hurt easy and i can buy lots of toys and things and i cant go to a breeder my dad dosnt like them otho i know its better because there most of the time calmer and i dont know what type is good for mee please help P.S im 11

Can Risperidone 4mg effectively treat mania?

Hi. I am 24 years old and live in Glasgow,Scotland. I am currently experiencing mania. I seen my psychiatrist this morning and she prescribed me Risperidone 4mg to calm the mania down.Is Risperidone effective in treating mania?How long before my mania dissolves?Thanks

How to feel better about myself?

Just try to accept who you are. I don't like who I am and I am always getting bullied by other "normal" people but everyone is just who we are. Just ignore everyone else and stop sobbing to yourself. Plus there is no point on doing all this because stress will lead up to lots of gross pimples. :)

I'm writing a story and I'm looking for a little brother name for my main character Daphne?

I'm looking for a name for my main character's little brother. His last name is Havenbrooke, he's 7 with black hair, and he's curious, smart, and a very happy person. Any help would be lovely. Thanks!

Have i messed up or was he just after sex anyway?

He probably thinks you're psycho after that last little thing he went through with you. That was probably the last straw for him, so he's decided to move on to greener pastures.

Nervous for my driving test?

im taking my driving test tomorrow on a closed course and i'm really nervous. I'm not a huge fan of driving in general and am always doubting myself. I've been practicing a bunch at the course the last few days and have done pretty well so i think i can pass unless my nerves get the best of me which is definitely possible. How can i calm myself down so my nerves don't affect my driving?

10 easy points**** my ex won't get over me?

Being his friend isn't going to help him get over you. You need to cut him out of your life. At least until he gets works through his feelings.

Are there British films or TV shows with American characters?

You know how there are a lot of American television shows and films with British Characters (Daphne on Frasier, Mr. Sheffield on The Nanny, Alexis on Dynasty, etc...)? Well I was wondering if the opposite also exists? Are there British television shows or films which feature an American character? What I mean is something that is made for a British audience.

Where can I get a Daphne Blue Left-Handed Fender Stratocaster guitar for cheap.?

I'm looking for a lefty strat. I don't care if its a squier but it has to be Daphne Blue. Anyone know where I can get one for under $900?

Are there British films or TV shows with American characters?

You know how there are a lot of American television shows and films with British Characters (Daphne on Frasier, Mr. Sheffield on The Nanny, Alexis on Dynasty, etc...)? Well I was wondering if the opposite also exists? Are there British television shows or films which feature an American character? What I mean is something that is made for a British audience.

Educational Post-Have you ever seen "ACTUAL" pictures from the North Atlantic Slave Trade?

Hi, no, I had never seen those particular photos, they are harrowing and so very sad, will haunt me for a long time. They're just children (not that it would matter what age they were) and look like prisoners of war.


Maybe it's a fear of something or a way of subconisely telling you that something is going to happen.. You never know.. It's seems to me like a alert that you need to be aware.. Not TI sure is it a repeating dream?

I invited two guys.... TEN POINTS?

just dont sweat it. fake ignorance is key. if they have a problem being with each other, it's no skin off your hide! dont worry about it.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How this plot for this story?

This sounds really, really cute! My favorite of the girl names is definitely Lynette for the nickname Nettie, and my favorite of the boy names is Reese Parker. It just has a nice ring to it. As for towns in Mass, it all depends on what you want. Some place like Plymouth if you want the coast, easy access to the beach, or an ironic place like Great Barrington, which is small and quaint and everyone knows each other.

Scooby doo mystery incorporated, Fred and Daphne?

okay I'm pretty much all caught up on the show scooby doo mystery incorporated, but I just watched episode seven-tine, the one about the the kung-fu wizards or whatever, and it says Daphne and Fred are dating, when did that

Does he like me or no?

It's kinda obv he does and he only avoids you cuz he likes you. I mean it would be awkward if your standing next to some1 you liked and you don't know how to start a conversation.

Will my bala shark be okay?

Hi. I have a bala shark that I've had for about 9 months. Well on Sunday I changed the decor and the gravel in my 56 gallon tank and put all of my fish into a big container. I would rinse some of the gravel and when I put it into the tank I would check the fish to make sure they were okay. When I came back to check on them(maybe 5 minutes or so) my poor bala was on the floor..I freaked out and my husband came and put him back into the water. He sat for a second then swam a bit but mostly just sat at the bottom of the container I'm sure out of shock. Within a day I noticed his eyes becoming white and hazy and his breathing had slowed down. I put melafix into the tank and added some extra salt to calm him and get his protective coating back. We got the hospital tank set up and ready for him and he's been in there swimming around like normal but now he seems to be resting. The poor guy has lost half of his back fins and he can't see which means he can't eat. I feel so bad for him he's already been through so much. He had hemmorogic septicemia and the other fish tore his fins up so bad he couldn't swim..but we fixed him right up and he had never been better. So I'm pretty upset that he has to go though this. Sorry I'm rambling on and on I just don't know what else to do for him...the water perimeters in both tanks are great and my other fish are doing fantastic. But my bala was one of my first fish. Can anyone tell me if he will be able to see again and how long it will take for his tail fins to grow back? If he will ever be able to eat again. Oh and also if there may have been brain damage..he was out of the water for probably about 5 minutes. Thank you so much in advance for any suggestions and please no mean comments I already feel pretty horrible as it is.

This is a really pretty name, but....?

Sorry! That must have hurt inside :/ maybe you should write a list down of names you like and tell him to pick his favorite or something :) kinda drag him away from that name!

Embarrassed about how I acted and loosing confidence as a rider. Help?

get it out of your head. The more you think on this the more mistakes ur gonna make. Clear your head. Mentally start fresh. In my lifetime of riding i cannot tell you how many times ive fallen off. Big damaging falls(my right shoulder is smaller than the left because of the scar tissue ive accumalated there) and small falls that you laugh about. Ive cried on a horse, ive fallen and due to the horse running over me had to walk back with no pants (now its funny -then it wasnt) and you know what ? I wouldnt change it. Ive fallen so much im not scared anymore. You go through these weird patches when it everything feels like its off...then you come right again. All of these experiences are gold to your experience. A top competing rider who has never fallen off or cried or gotten mud on their shoes still has less experience as you. Experience is not the level you compete at or how perfectly you can ride its the amount of **** youve put up with and survived.

Which of these names would you pick for your child?

Ulysses is a pretty cool boy's name, Ulysses S. Grant led the Union army to win over the Confederates. I really like Adele for a girl's name. It's so unique and beautiful, but also strong-sounding and not too fragile. Plus it's kind of retro, just like Ulysses.

Which of these three sets do you like best for twin girls?

Why must they be matchy? Matchy names are corny, not cute. These aren't dolls you're naming, to display on a shelf. These are humans.

Should i be worried that we dont talk as much as we used to?

my bf and i have been dating for about 2 months now. the first 2 weeks we dated it seems like it was wayy more comfortable talking over text messaging then in person. now, its wayy more comfortable talking in person then over texting. he hardly ever talks to me if it isnt in person. i have to be the first person to message him and then when i do, hes extremly blunt about everything and then the conversation dies pretty fast. i havent messaged him for the past 2 days thinking that maybe hed miss me and try calling or texting me, but so far nothing. should i just leave it alone, or talk to him about it? i really like him, but when he does this it feels like im being ignored.

Which girl name: Daphne or Clementine?

I love the names Alexander and Violet! However, Celementine reminds me of the orange and Daphne reminds me of Daffy duck. Anyways, I love the middle names! Good luck!

I don't feel the need to get angry, am I weird?

I don't ever get really angry. I can only remember a couple of times in my life that I have almost seen red and felt I was screaming so much I was almost out of control. Not that I mind being out of control, I just think that things can so often be delt with better when one is in control. You can then be calm, think things through and talk without screaming. It's less stressful and emotional and it uses a lot less energy. The last time I remember losing my temper was when I left my husband 15 years ago. I was so angry that he had not listened to me all the times I had tried to talk to him about problems we were having and the situations that I was finding unbearable and he chose to ignore and carry on. Consequently things had broken down and fallen apart, I was angry that all we could have had was gone and I'd tried so hard to keep things together for both of us. I screamed and shouted and then left and since then nothing has ever got me so wound up. I am now a single parent with a child with severe learning difficulties and my life is very tough on a day to day basis, I suffer with depression and anxiety and even the smallest simplest things can be a massive challenge, but I don't get angry, what would it achieve? Am i weird??

How come my higher self doesn't Always help me?

Hi :) Lately I've been feeling really isolated, sad and alone. I've been dealing with a lot of external & internal issues on my own and it's starting to drive me crazy. All I could think to do was try sitting quietly, try meditating, and get in touch with my higher self. I didn't know where else to turn. I started crying immediately lol but once I stopped, i just listened. sometimes I do hear a voice speaking to me, and I'll write it down, and I'll feel calm. But other times when I really need to hear my inner voice, she says nothing. :( and I'm left feeling just as alone, or even more so. why does this happen? how come i can't always hear my higher self, or why does my higher self sometimes just keep quiet? please help, thanks!

Does my boyfriend love me or not?

he made a statement that daphne was one of a kind after asked how she was as a co-actor coz of the kiss scene in stage play they had and once in december 2007 he got very platonic with a military girl,lifting her in her arms,kissing her on her cheeks twice repeatedly then on her head which are now revealed to me.he goes to the troops every year in december but recently i don't know about the military girl.earlier he would hold my hand,lift in the arms but now no holding by the waist or even shoulder though he does this to other women.though we go to public events together i dont find that chemistry and hes neither interested in posing with me.whats wrong?

Need help with my family 10 points?

.Lexi sometimes we feel the world has given us a raw deal.I'm sure your mom has had so much grief recently, that everything she loves gets hurt.You can't do anything for a brother who won't help himself.In spite of all this though there's 1000s of people worse off than you are.About the cleaning you can perhaps reach an arrangement with mom.Sorry I have no advice,accept do what you're doing and be happy,sorry

Anxiety help, please?

is there something that makes you feel good even a little? i relate to what your saying and know what your feeling. do that one thing that makes you feel calm and when your in a place that makes you really anxious think about going home to that one thing that makes you calm, always keep that on your mind.

Jealous of not being my boyfreinds first :/?

Hey, try not to dwell on it. At least he was honest with you. The important thing is that he is with you! Are you anxious because you have not slept with him yet? If this is the case, don't be. A lot of guys tend to have sex earlier than girls anyway, I know that was the case for me and a lot of my friends. Do you think what's bothering you so much is more the thought of him with another girl, which is causing these feelings if jealousy, rather than it being about sex? At the end of the day, he is with you, he obviously cares about you, and that was in his past. It's not like he has cheated on you, so try to let these feelings go, as it is only negative energy :)

What are your opinions on these names?

i thought colby was a girls name. isnt there a a cheese with that name? i like blake better than sam because i know plenty of girls named sam. daphne is different but sorry, i thought of scooby doo. i like lila. not lilah. but yeah. how about justin. or ava. idunno.

This or that - girl names?

abby, alexa, amy, anastasia, aria, aryssa, audrey, ashley, austin, brittany, cameron, casey, caroline, chandler, cheyenne, courtney, danielle, daphne, dawn, elise. aaron, michael

My girlfriend is acting more rebellious than usual?

Usually she's pretty calm and isn't really into partying, but since we finished high school she's been going to nightclubs and really crazy parties. I don't really mind, but I'm a little worried because she's usually more soft-spoken. I asked her if she was okay but she just said it was because she was "from a sheltered family and just wanted to live for once in her life," which does make sense because her family was very over-protective. I'm just really worried about her, and it seems like she's taking this too far. She's been forgetting nights and has gotten thinner.

Should i call my boyfriend or wait ?

my boyfriend and i have been dating for almost three months we meet two years ago and hadnt told one another how we truly felt about each other until we started to date. We use to talk on the phone everyday for at least a hour. However he hasnt contacted me since saturday night when we said he would call me the next day and never had. I dont know if i did something or if hes okay im truly stumped. Hes never gone this long without contacted me. He had mentioned that he was starting a new construction job and that hed be busting his butt on it but still i dont see whym he wouldnt give me a five mintue phone call

Fiona Daphne & Teagan Lorelei?

Fiona Daphne is very feminine and sweet. Teagan Lorelei is a name for a girl more rough around the edges, like myself. My daughter's name will be Julie Fay.

What are your opinions on these names?

i thought colby was a girls name. isnt there a a cheese with that name? i like blake better than sam because i know plenty of girls named sam. daphne is different but sorry, i thought of scooby doo. i like lila. not lilah. but yeah. how about justin. or ava. idunno.

The girl who likes me is stalking me!? What to do?!?

There's a new transferee girl in our class named Daphne, we're classmates.. juniors to be exact. She's beautiful.. I admit. I'll Take this short we've introduce ourselves to each other, talked, laughed. Shared good moments.. I even start liking her. But one day i was walking alone to go home i noticed tht someone's following me.. But i just ignored it. I reached home and someone knocked at my door a few minutes and opened it but no one's there but there's a letter saying "i like you so much! i'm obsessed about you kean" i don't even know who sent me that letter since it has no name. So the next few days i heard rumors that daphne just enrolled here in our school cause of me and he's been checking me out ever since. She knows my parents name, my sisters name and age. & a lot more things! She even has my baby pictures and family photos. & found out that she's the one calling me at the house everyday @ 3AM. I am freaked out, i suddenly didn't like her instead it scared me. & now she admitted the truth.. It's all true and i don't even know what to say. Help me!

Guys, do cheaters ever change?

i havent been cheated on but my ex is having problems with his current gf (guess shes not giving him the sex since he wants it from me) basically we broke up (not long relationship) because thats basically all he wanted. originally he wanted more but ended up being just the sex and i wanted a relationship so it wasnt working out. i guess im still hung up on him 5 months later because he was my "first". even though he has a gf he has come to me more than once asking for sex. but i said no because i know ill fall right back for him and thats all he wants. he knows how i feel and that id go back with him but he told me he cant promise hed go back to me or her, tells me he just gonna use me for the sex and go back to her. should i just give up and realize he will never change or hope that he will realize how much i have to offer him and come back? it sucks falling for assholes sometimes :/, guys have you ever cheated and never done it again? reason im asking is he hasnt cheated on me whe nwe were together but if hes looking for sex from me and still with her, obviously he doesnt care about cheating and who says he wont do it if he came back to guys ever change (at least the assholes lol)??

Is it right for me to feel disappointed about the way this girl is acting?

So I guess I should start from the beginning. I currently have two jobs at the moment; they're both at dental offices specializing in different things. One of my offices was looking for another assistant to help during the week day since I am only doing part time. Well, the doctor had asked me to look around to see if I could find someone who'd be willing to do it. I had a friend who had dropped out of dental school 2 weeks right before she was to finish the program & earn her certificates. I had addressed this w/ the doctor and she said it was fine but she wanted to talk to her. I told my friend to come in for an interview and it apparently went great. She started working that same day for 7 hours. At first, she was excited. She promised to not let me down, embarrass me or made me look bad; It's barely two days later & I got a text from her about 2 hours ago saying that she wanted to quit! Here's the thing: she doesn't want to tell the doctor straight up and she was just going to stop coming in. The reason? The doctor wasn't going to pay her until she got her certificates. I told her straight up that because she's not in an internship program or in the process of getting her papers, that in order for her to get paid, she needed her certificates and she just bluntly told me "by law, I AM supposed to get paid." Is it right for me to feel disappointed in her and to feel like she just totally betrayed me? Or am I just over-thinking it? I've stopped talking to her for the last couples hours to calm myself down but I still can't help but feel this way.

Why do guys do thiss?

Me and this guy started talking and i really started to like him. we talked on the phone everyday and the last time we talked eevrything was good. its been 4 days and he hasnt answered any of my calls or texts or facebook messages. the last time we talked he said his mom told him he had to put his phone up at 11 or shed take it but then when i said bye he said hello and i said what and he said oh sorry wrong person and after tht i never heard from him. Then a couple days after this guy started ignoring me this other guy wanted to start talking so he calls me at like 1030 everyday. he keeps telling me he will call me on his break at 1pm but he never ever does this is the second time hes promised and fell thru. he text me yesterday and said hey baby and i replyed but he never replyed and i tried calling him he never answered or called me back. He could be out partying since it was friday but he said hed come get me if i wanted and he never called me or text me or anything and im starting to get pisssed. idk maybe im just being weird about this but im thinking i should just delete both their numbers and ignore them if they try to talk to me? WHAT SHOULD I DOO??

What happens when you have a panic attack?

I have anxiety but I am not sure if I have had an acually panic attack before. The first time I thought that I might have had one was when I was sitting in class and I was getting really annoyed by the people sitting next to me while I was trying to do my work and I started getting shaky, it was hard for me to breathe and I was trying not to cry but I was able to calm down. It was really weird because I had never freaked out so much over something so little. Another time was when I was meeting with my advisor and she kept getting in my face over a project that needed to be done and I got all shaky again had trouble breathing and had to leave because I couldnt stop crying and hyperventilating. A few months ago I was just in my house and my mom was on the treadmill. The noise of her on the treadmill doesnt usually ever bother me but I was so bothered by it I had to lock myself in the bathroom and curl up in a ball and I started crying and hyperventalating. So pretty much what happens to me when I freak out is I feel really floaty or shaky at first then I have trouble breathing and start crying/hyperventilating. I know panic attacks are supposed to be really scary for people but I have never felt like I was dying just like I was going crazy. What really happens when you have a panic attack?

Any way to be calm and happy?

ok so i've been so stressed out lately and sometimes i cant control getting really frustrated at people. does any one have suggestions on how to stay calm or be more happy?

I get flushed/red and embarrased really easily!? HELP!!?

its seems like you just to get out a little more, it seems to be happening cause youre not used to interaction outside your comfort zone(ppl you normally associate with), used to happen to me and then i got a life, not to come off like a dick or anything but sounds like what happened to me and then i got out a lot more,(i had an abusive mother that kept me trapped tho)

My family is lazy and now my house is messy and dirty w/damaged furniture...HELP!!!?

If you dont want a messy house you should first clean up your things, then have a talk with your parents and say that you dont like the messes. Hope this helps.

What do you think of these names, which 2 do you like best?

Personally, I think Madeline Lily is a cool name. 'Maddie' is a really awesome nickname and I LOVE it. I wish my name was Maddie. Sighs. Also, if you have 2 choose a second one, I really like the first names, but the middle names don't really work... I like ..... Chloe Avalon

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is my spanish text good? (Pretty short)?

Buenos d�as, me llamo a Daphne. Hoy es el 20 de abril.a las 2:30. Mi madre se llama a Leslie y es m�dico. Tiene 47 a�os. Mi padre se llama a Louis y �l trabaja en la Universidad de Ottawa. Tiene 49 a�os. Tengo una amiga que se llama a Ayane. Es estudiante. Tiene 16 a�os y puede hablar muy bien espa�ol. Esta noche voy a dormir a la casa. Durante el verano quiero hacer equitaci�n

Do you guys think this would sound bad ***?

Okay so im learning the bass guitar an me an my friends want to start a band when we all get good enough on our instruments. I will be playing the bass, Bobby on drums, Steven on guitar but i also though it would be cool to have a violinist. Our genre would be heavy metal ( like metallica, etc) shock rock ( like alice cooper) punk rock, alot of different genres that we like. Sort of like hed pe. Do you guys think it would be cool if a band were to do the instrumentals of classical songs with rock instruments like the bass,guitar,drums? During these songs our violinist would be leading. an example of a song we want to do is the devils trill. And when we would be using the violin in other songs it would have a very twisted,sad, an sadistic tone in the backround. We are writing a variety of songs . I am writing one right now calle the liberation of underland. alot of our songs will be like twisted tales from wonderland an worlds like it. sorta like the tim burton one. But with a variety from every kind of music. What do you guys think (by the way i dont care if you think that it would suck me an my friends think it would be bad *** an still try

This or that - girl name (short)?

This is tough. Both sound nice, but I think I slightly prefer the sound of Audrey Susanna. Although, in reality, I prefer Daphne over Audrey!

My ex bf siad i was phsyco for coming over i crazy?

ok so me and my ex bf talked on a saturday about how much we ,missed each other and how i wanted to come over sunday(the nxt day) well he siad if i answer the phone, then yeah come over, well i called and he didnt answer, but i went anyway,i wanted to suprise him, thinking hed be happy to see me, well he wasent, and as a matter of fact he was pissed... then his roomate siad i tryed to barge my way throught the door(i wasent sure if i did or not, because i geuss im so used to people just letting me come in, that when he closed the door, i didnt expect it) but any who he called me physco!!!!! am i???

My boyfriend doesnt tell me much, i snooped and found out things i dont want to know?

So i know the first thing i did was make a big mistake by going behind my boyfriends back and logging onto his facebook without telling him. i found out he had messages from his ex which he responded to and one of them was flirty and its from when we were dating. i over reacted because ive been done wrong before but i know thats no excuse so i hacked his email too and it seems like he didnt tell me everything certainly mislead me about who he was before we met and i feel like some were flat out lies. he said he never spent as much time talking on the phone and texting with me but he had a blackberry and all his text conversations were saved in his email, he had 70 pages worth over a 2 month period. even if we did talk that much i am certainly not the first girl he has done that with. he used to send his ex all kinds of pictures of himself and never sends any to me. i also found out he was on a dating website but one that was more for sex than actually dating which he cancalled a couple of months before we started dating but sent some random girls messages about how they were attractive and hed like to meet up with them. he is 28, and told me hes only been with 5 girls including me and his only one night stand was in college. if that is true why is he sending random girls lets hook up emails? this is so far from the guy i thought he was. i know he used to party a little when he was my age (im 21) but im not like that and he doesnt party much any more and hasnt since we started dating. weve been together 10 months now and i just found this out a few days ago. i know our age gap is a little wide being 7 years but ive asked him about his past and this is not at all what i thought i would find. if i had seen this before we got serious i wouldnt have stuck around but we have talked about marriage and i love the man that he has shown me but is that really him? and even if it is if he loves me why couldnt he be honest and tell me the truth? i really dont know what to do about it, any kind of advice would be great. and i know snooping was wrong and now i wish i had never done it. we were happy before and i screwed it all up

Why do people see a similarity between Jesus and Anakin?

Why do people see a similarity between Jesus and Anakin? I have noticed people saying they are similar and it just doesn't make sense to me. Usually the quote from the end of the ep. 3 where Anakin says "you are either with me or against me," is used. Likewise, Jesus said "You are either for me or against me" (Matthew 12:30) which has the same meaning if you understand the english language. For some reason such absolute thinking seems evil because a sith lord says it. Are you for good? If so then you are not for evil. We see that some people are against Jesus or with him. A major theme in the bible is that most people have no understanding of good and evil. I think the way star wars was written is a good example.,,at least the prequel trilogy. It seemed to me that George Lucas was trying to show fear and desire as a persons ultimate downfall but it came across was just not well done. Anakin was just not a rational person at all. If he loved Daphne he could have done so if he really loved her. I'm using love as a verb, not an idea. Your thoughts?

Why is he playing these mind games after our breack up?

Ouch? this guy wants to be single then you let him born free. Now he is jealous about you with Matt. and he does not know what to do next? He is confused and still has a feeling for you. So, you give him time to think over. Do not date anyone yet if you still have a feeling for him. But, if he does not make a move then time for you to move on. Good luck.

GIRLS: Longtime Crush has a boyfriend thinking suicide?

Well thats gotta hurt, but don't give up. You never know, maybe in a little bit they will be done:) Try to keep and open mind too, look at other girls and see maybe you will like them! Life will seem hard now, but it will get better!

Favorite televison couples?

lucy and ricky, sam and diane , Lilith and frasier, ray and deborah , Also i like paul and jamie from mad about you, gloria and jay from modern family, clair and phil from that show also Carmon and mitchell from modern as well. i also like Frankie and mike huck from the middle.

Anxiety and panicking help?

Yes, I have a very good idea. Go to and download the free manual. It will show you how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques. I promise you that this will solve your problem. Another good thing you can do is to take Rescue Remedies. (From The Bach Flower range) Good luck with your exam!

I want to be outgoing so badly that I'm willing to go to extremes... what do you think about this?

First off don't go wild and crazy because that is not as cool as it appears to be. I have been shy most of my life and I'm coming out of my shell. You have you to take small steps. Start small talk with a stranger and keep doing this. I know exactly how you feel I want to go out and meet new people but I don't know where to go and I'm not that confident to walk up to a stranger and talk to them but I know I can do it and so can you! :) Eventually you'll get comfortable and also watch and learn from outgoing people there is nothing with having fun but don't go over board because you might regret a poor decision you made.

What names sound good with the last name Glover?

i think most names sound good with it but i like your names ending in an ee sound, they go well. Like instead of james glover, jamie glover. Definitely consider an ee sound :-)

Which do you like better? Arabella or Arabelle?

I like Arabella Daphne better. I think it just flows better. I imagine a very elegant and classy girl, who dresses nice, is really pretty, and is super sweet.

Help please! Its a long story, answer if you're in the mood to read!?

wow, that was a lot! you know what, i had something similar to this happen to me. like, this older kid was a creep and i didn't like him at all and he was a pervert but then after awhile i started to like him. not that he ever actually liked me, he just wanted to ****.. luckily for you though, that guy liked you before you even liked him! chances are he still likes you he's just a little more afraid to talk to you because he doesn't want you to get annoyed with him again. if he's telling you about personal family matters, then he must trust you and feel you can comfort him. if you want to be with him, then i'd say tell him how you feel now and i bet he'll be jumping for joy! i don't know if that was the advice you were looking for, but there you go. good luck(:

My ex vs my new boyfirned?

You're not going to get the money back and money keeps you tied to people and things in a bad way (so NEVER lend family/friends your money!). Just let it go and do NOT involve the new bf.

Should I get my ear pierced anyway?

I'm settled on getting my ear pierced but my dad doesnt want me to. I know hed be mad and i shouldnt defy him cuz hes my dad but like most other 14 year old guys, if i think he can get over it its not an issue. sure hed be pissed but its something i really wanna try . its my ear. if hes right and it looks trashy il take it out, right? should i just try it out anyway??? thanks

Genres- you'll never go back to/ never start with?

Romance. I might be unfair because the only romance novel I read was Twilight. But I don't think it's something I could really get into. Don't get me wrong, I love romance in stories. My girl brain craves it. But there's a difference between a romance novel, and a novel with romance in it. I prefer a novel with romance in it, as opposed to a romance novel. For some reason, the romance seems more complete, and more fulfilling if it's not the entire focus of the story. Does that even make sense?

What can i do to help my brother?

My brother and I have always been rough with each other (Hes 14 and im 16). When we were small he used to love me soo so SO much. he would always want to play with me and always be so nice, bring food for me even though we fought a lot. i admit i was not the nicest of sisters. i was very bossy but i loved him so much and made that clear. then throughout my preteen years (13-15) we started getting worse, mostly because of me i admit. i was going through hard times - bullying in school - so when i came home id be in a bad mood and hed be annoying and rude and id just explode and wed fight. but then things werent so bad. we were fighting OCCASIONALLY and wed always immediately make up afterwards. But this year, has honestly been the worst of my life. Hes changed so much.. like a 180 turn. At first i kindof understood: new school/new system/having a hard time adapting/not making friends + adolescence so i tried my best to be understanding. But its been getting so unbelievably bad. Hes SO RUDE to my mum. As in sometimes leaving me open mouthed from the horrible things he says. and hes a million times worse to me. He says horrible horrible things and is so angry all the time. ive tried everything from trying to be nice to exploding back at him. weve had the worst fights ever and when i try to talk to him about anything he just retorts with rude comments and anger. im no angel i have a short temper too so i usually just tell him to get lost. But i mean throughout our whole lives we always had that deep connection. the kind of brother sister: we fight on the outside but on the inside we love and care for eachother. but im not overexaggerating when i say i dont think thats there at all anymore. when he was 12 i told him i hated him and i found him crying in his room (we made up after and i apologised etc) but i mean thats how much he loved me. now its nothing..its worse than nothing, he hates me, he hates life, he hates EVERYTHING. i really dont want him to be angry all the time. i want him to be like he was. my mum used to call him "white heart" because he had such a pure loving caring its like theres so much hate there and i dont know why. i know im partly to blame, but hes never been like this before. weve always had ups and downs i just dont understand why hes being like this now. weve had countless talks, my mum cant take it anymore. shes getting more tired every day and im really worried about her. she cant handle the rudeness and anger thats my brother and shes always crying. i dont know what to do. can someone please help me

GIRLS, How do you feel about meeting guys at a bus stop/trolley station?

Wow i didn't know you could meet good guys like that at places like bus stops but im happy for you this guy seems pretty decent but still be careful i hope he's not acting like that just to get you so just be aware otherwise i think you should give this guy a chance and see what happens.

I need serious dating advice and outsider opinions?

he may not be physically cheating but emotional cheating ??? ---- he does not sound a very caring boyfriend anyway --- to not contact you is not good ---- yes try to clear the air ---- talk to him and see what he says ---- if you are not happy then maybe it time to call it a day ---- best wishes

I told my gf I'm cheating on her and she's going crazy what can I do to calm her down? ?

I told my gf the truth I told her I cheated on her with 10 different girls and of course she started crying and slap me in the face! Its horrible shes going completey nuts what should I do to calm her down? Comment plz!

Is this horrible of me?

okay so my best guy friend has liked me this whole year. he is litterally my best friend. and ill say i love him but you know in a friend or a brother way. and hed say it back. sometimes i would flirt with him. but nothing big. i would go hang out at his house and he would hang out at mine. he knew my family i knew his. one day he wasnt there when i got to his house only his older brother was. which is the only sibling he has. and so i went and sat on the couch with him then we started talking. and before i knew it we were making out then when my bff gets to his house were sitting on the couch like nothing happned. a week later his brother asks me out and i say yes. but days later my best friend asks me out. i freaked out and spilled that i was dating his brother, now he wont even talk to me or look at me.

How can I keep the magic in my life when I'm not traveling?

When I traveled for an entire year at 18 I had the best time, meeting the interesting and the strange folk, ceasing opourtunities as an artist and a person, always finding ways to keep the ball rolling. But now that I have returned home I seem to have become calmer than ever and to be loosing the magic, because things around me are not as inspiring and comfort is tempting. I want to find the magic again! What could I do?

Please help me with this wedding drama?

I read a lot of the answers and one of them really pissed me off. It does not matter if you can afford to pay the $175 for your meal or not. The people that are getting married should pay for everything. If the want a three course meal then they should pay for it. Asking for donations to pay the church is down right tacky. This whole thing sounds like a mess. My husband would not even have to tell me to back out cause once I got that email I would have replied thanks but no thanks, wish you the best. The called C and told her I am sorry but I can not do this.

Why is ex jealous when she dumped me?

Sounds to me like you're on her ''hook'' . She uses you when there is no guy for her and she leaves you when she has another guy. You're her ''backup'' . Don't give up though, she maybe really is just confused . Its a difficult decision to move in together if she is not certain of her feelings. Cheers :)

My friend is WAY to clingy to me.?

She always askes me to come to her house to her house for a sleepover. I go everyweek. At Lunch, Me and Daphne (my OTHER friend) Were planning a sleepover without my friend. Laurel (The clingy one) Got mad and was asking if she can join us. I just shrugged. I dint want to hurt her feelings. Laurel invited me to a retarded tea party with a fudgin' five year old.. :l I said No because i personally think that little girl is a BRAT. I have a scar from her throwing a rock at me. Laurel always sits next to me and budges into me when i am talking to my friends. I asked Laurel to stop alot. She said she feels "Left Out" But how do you I feel when you tell me "Oh my Best Friend is coming!" When i'm right there. I cry alot because she ditched me plenty of times for the little girl. Should i End our realtionship?

Single mum with a 21 month old daughter. is she hitting milestones?

My daughter and I have been alone together since she was 6 months old. She has been checked out by doctors and is hitting her milestones physicaly. I'm starting to worry now that her development with speaking and listening and following simple comands aren't what they should be. I work part time whilst she goes to nursery, and hoped that would help. She still doesn't say mum, ta, yes or no. infact the only words she does say is "dat" (whats that?) missy (our cat) woof woof (for dog). she also makes the sounds for counting 1 to 10. I'm worried I should be doing more to help her development but with no family support I have no way of asking others advice. She is also throwing BIG temper tantrums which is hard to bare so i put her in her room until she calms down. is that right? she still naps during the day but only when i put her in her cot otherwise she screams because she's so tired. Please help???

Why is Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier Gothic?

I already have things like Manderley i need things like the themes of the story and its morally challenged characters etc. Thank you :)

What do you think about this?

i accidently came across a bunch and im talkin tonssss of notes to my bf from his high school gf.. i know i shouldnt but i started reading some just being nosy.. but anyway this girl is def a psychooo.. she wrote a bunch of notes a day saying how much she loves him and wants to marry him and have a future.. like constantlyyyyy saying the same stuff over and over.. which is whatever.. but one note she drew fruits and like made a dick the banana and cherrys as the ball or something like that.. F'in weirrrdd.. then one part she said i thought of something naughty about a steering wheel and drew a wheel with an arrow pointing to the horn and the put a "y" next to she wrote you make me so horny... soooooo i was like huh cuz he told me that they neverrrrr had sex and im thinkin they def did.. i dont get why hed lie.. like it wouldnt have mattered to me but now it does since he lied.. from what i wrote does it seem like they had sex?... its whatever at this point but im bored so i decided to see if anyone else agreed that it def seems like they did.

I got several dog bits what should i do?

Mate, i would go to the doctor if i were you. Even though the dog doesn't have an infection, the wound itself may develop an infection. You may need a needle to prevent any complications.

Is my ex boyfriend just scared?

me and my ex boyfriend dated for about 3 months. we had a great relationship undersanding fair we never even faught. he even told me it was the greatest girl hes had and best chemistry. the thought of how great things were going and commitment scared him ontop of family problems so we ended. from that point on when i tried talking about it hed push me away. i gave up on talking about the issue and told him we need to be just friends. when we talk its rare and once we start flirting he pushes me away. however, whenever hes drunk he always calls me or texts me and he always wants to see me. this has been going on since april. he even told my really good friends that he cant tell his feelings but knows whenever hes drunk its me he wants to see. is it possible he subconsciously pushes me away and his true feelings come out when hes drunk? what are your opinions on his feelings?

What do I do about him?

He's a no go bro. He sounds like a total d bag. And he's being weird cause one he just wants to be friends. Two he likes someone else. Or three he thinks hangin around you would be weird.

Is the International Collectors Library still around to order books from?

I have a copy of Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca from 1938. In surfing the net I found out that the company was a division of Double Day. Also that they sold the books in the 60's and 70's. Is ICL still around and can you still order books from them?

I constantly think about my ex which makes it SO hard to get over him?

Be patient with yourself. You are totally normal. There are always things about an ex that we fondly remember. Go out with your friends and socialize. Get involved in fun activities. If you will let go of your focus on your ex and start celebrating your life, you will see the reaction from your friends and potential special guys. Be sweet, upbeat and ready for all that life has to offer. You have a great future ahead of you.

Girl duo from the 90's?

I'm trying to think of a girl duo from the late 90's and s song they did. They were a but like Daphne and celeste and in the video they were like mad professors or something in like a dungeon... Can anyone help with the song and group please???

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Suggest names based on the below names:?

What names aren't on this list? What names don't go with this list? You have everything from Caleb and Ariel to Ezekiel and Silas. What else do you want?

Ways to tell who is a boy or girl on here?

Ha Ha this is a funny question. However, you claim you're a man, while some of your previous questions are not of good vocabulary, they are panicked and not nice and calm at all, and they're just plain stupid :) CONTRADICTION MUCH ?!

How can I take my mind off of him for a little while?

Friday night I went to a lock in with my best friend and our boyfriends (they are brothers) apparently there mom didn't know that we were and they got in some trouble. Its all stupid in my opinion. Anyways they are both grounded and im not handling it too well. My boyfriend is my rock and I tell him everything. Lately I have been going through a scary time and talking too him is what really keeps me calm. Is there anything I can do to take my mind off of him until I can finally talk too him and see him again? They shouldn't be punished for too long.

How do you like this beginning?

the first part was really good. just check your grammer. the second part of the prolugue was okay. but not great. when you describe the main character, just don't load it all at once. separate some of the details about daphne throughout the first few chapters. and going from her sister dying to daphne's description was a little too sudden. blend it a little.

How am i supposed to see myself in a positive way after all this?

you should relax that guy was being rude probably because you broke up with him. guys who judge you by your looks alone should learn to look @ personality more. also if you are okay with your looks then that is all that counts really.

Do you think my ex still has feelings?

me and my ex boyfriend dated for about 3 months. we had a great relationship undersanding fair we never even faught. he even told me it was the greatest girl hes had and best chemistry. the thought of how great things were going and commitment scared him ontop of family problems so we ended. from that point on when i tried talking about it hed push me away. i gave up on talking about the issue and told him we need to be just friends. when we talk its rare and once we start flirting he pushes me away. however, whenever hes drunk he always calls me or texts me and he always wants to see me. this has been going on since april. he even told my really good friends that he cant tell his feelings but knows whenever hes drunk its me he wants to see. is it possible he subconsciously pushes me away and his true feelings come out when hes drunk? what are your opinions on his feelings?

Does he miss me?? 10 pnts! longest answer?

he used to be my best frinedcould tell him everything, anything i could be my complete self around him without worrying about it and i loved it. He made me so happy and he was the one guy who actually understood me, he never judged me, then in december i made some big mistakes. he slipped into depression drugs. I wasn't a good friend. I was annoying i never left him alone cause i was afraid if i did he'd kill himself, i tried to force him to tell me things he didn't want to, i always said there was a problem and blamed him for stuff. Then he heard rumors saying i told people we had a thing. That, i never did. He left me in december i've been crying legit everday. It's been six months and he's started staring at me again. When i passed in my paper to him when no one else did he looked at me then looked down and he said real nicely "thank you." so i smiled and was like yeah no prob. Then when me and my frineds were wa;lking in the hall he came over with his friend and walked next to me teasing my friend but not really looking at me,we both started teasing her. Then, i had to move my seat in class and there were only two open, one next to him and another kid. I knew someone else sat next to him so i asked him and he looks at me for a long time before nodding slowly. so i sat next to the other kid right near him, he stared when he thought i couldnt see. but when he said someting to the guy i was sitting with i answered both of them, but he wouldnt loook at me. then after we were all looking at something on the ground he came over and sat on my desk, that i was standing next to. then in a game called quiet ball at first he wouldnt throw it to me then he started to try to get me out and hed make a comment everytime he did, and apparently he was watching me. and i asked him a question and he answered. then in the hall i called to the girl walking in front of him.i was behind him.he looked at me,reactivated my fb and he hasn't deleted me

Why does this keep happening to me?

Me and this guy started talking and i really started to like him. we talked on the phone everyday and the last time we talked eevrything was good. its been 4 days and he hasnt answered any of my calls or texts or facebook messages. the last time we talked he said his mom told him he had to put his phone up at 11 or shed take it but then when i said bye he said hello and i said what and he said oh sorry wrong person and after tht i never heard from him. Then a couple days after this guy started ignoring me this other guy wanted to start talking so he calls me at like 1030 everyday. he keeps telling me he will call me on his break at 1pm but he never ever does this is the second time hes promised and fell thru. he text me yesterday and said hey baby and i replyed but he never replyed and i tried calling him he never answered or called me back. He could be out partying since it was friday but he said hed come get me if i wanted and he never called me or text me or anything and im starting to get pisssed. idk maybe im just being weird about this but im thinking i should just delete both their numbers and ignore them if they try to talk to me?

Switched at Birth Question?

Because she always felt like she did not belong, when she took the dna test she wanted reassurance that she did belong not proof that she did not...