Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why does this keep happening to me?

Me and this guy started talking and i really started to like him. we talked on the phone everyday and the last time we talked eevrything was good. its been 4 days and he hasnt answered any of my calls or texts or facebook messages. the last time we talked he said his mom told him he had to put his phone up at 11 or shed take it but then when i said bye he said hello and i said what and he said oh sorry wrong person and after tht i never heard from him. Then a couple days after this guy started ignoring me this other guy wanted to start talking so he calls me at like 1030 everyday. he keeps telling me he will call me on his break at 1pm but he never ever does this is the second time hes promised and fell thru. he text me yesterday and said hey baby and i replyed but he never replyed and i tried calling him he never answered or called me back. He could be out partying since it was friday but he said hed come get me if i wanted and he never called me or text me or anything and im starting to get pisssed. idk maybe im just being weird about this but im thinking i should just delete both their numbers and ignore them if they try to talk to me?

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