Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My ex boyfriend is sending me very confusing mixed signals?

I'm 14 turning 15 soon and he's 16 . We were boyfriend and girlfriend for 9 months my longest and best relationship and we both lost our virginity to each other.. At the end our relationship he started doing drugs and me and him became distant and we used to hang everyday but at the end we just stopped hanging out and so he met an 8th grader and they had a thing and I used to be friends with her so it was pretty ****** up of her . Anyways he broke up with me randomly over the phone and for 2 weeks straight I didn't sleep or eat properly because I was so depressed about the break up because he was my first love and I didn't get how he cud throw all our memories away . Anyways he had a thing with her but me and him would hang and hed come on to me and kiss me and try doing things and me being stupid I went with it because I was still in love with him but idk what he was doing sometimes he'd cry and say he still liked me and that he missed me and all this stuff .then then lastday of school I had to go on vacation for a month and he met up with me 20 minutes before I had to go and he told me he was gonna miss me alot and was crying and stuff and i kissed him and i guess he was going out with the 8th grader anyways it's been two weeks since I'm on vacation and he's been texting me everyday and he's saying like he's still loves me and wants me back and stuff but he still going out withthat girl but i guess they never even talk and then some times when we text it doesn't even seem like he still likes me .. I'm not sure what to do I'm still in love with him but I don't want get used by him and btw I'm his first serious relationship and most girls think he's annoying and everyone said he will never beable to get anyone better then me . But yeah some one give me advice pleasee

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