Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lawyers help, or advice needed?

Hey Im in desperate need of professional help.Recently about 3 days ago me and my mother have gotten in a esculation involving me and her fighting.Im going to tell you how it all went down and at the end tell me how i should handle this in court.Wensday June,1,2011 around 11:am my mother was complaing about stuff and came bashing into my room witch i h ave barracaded.I wasnt fully dressed ,I tried to politely ask her to leave and she said no so i grabbed her and tried to move her out of my room.She reached out and slashed me with her nails on my stomach.I looked and saw 3 2inch scratch marks on my stomach.In seeing that i let go of her and walked out of my room.After i walked out of my room i said I am going to call the police.Then and there i headed for the stairs she came behind me and grabbed me in a choke hold and she pulled me into the kitchen.I pulled her arm of me and used my side body to force her down on the ground.The second she was down on the ground I shoved my foot on her butt.Right at that second i ran for the stairs making it half way down.She came darting down the stairs after me.I threatend to hit her if she didnt leave me alone.I slowly walked down the stairs and made to the floor.She pushed me aside and ran in front of the door.She said to me why am i doing this and i showed her my marks and said this is why.I grabbed the door with my right arm and pulled it as hard as i could with her in front of it.I managed to get out side ,and she said you hurt yourself in the kitchen.She then got into her car wich was parked in front of the apartment and drove to the front office where i was heading to use the phone,becuase i dont have a cell or house phone.While walking to the office i thought to my self wtf am i doing this is my mother the only family i have.And since i turn 18 in 4 months i can just move out.So I walked back to the house and went to sleep.The next day my mother said to me she called the police on me and i have a warrent for my arrest???Im at a ******* totall backwards ******* sitchuwashin ,Im already on prohbation for hitting her an incedint that happened 2 year ago.I dont know what to do.If i get another charge ill go to a juvinile camp **** my prohbation officer has bin talking about with me.Well im not at a total loss i guess here is my plan.I called a man named darryle, he is a father figure to me and told him what happened.He said hed be there for me.My plan in court is to plead not guilty and tell them the truth.If i get found not guilty ill ask the judge to permit guardin ship to darrlye and transfer my records and stuff to the city he lives in.If i get found guilty ill end up in a juvinile camp for about a year and god knows get into how many fights there and maby die.So now knowing the shitty position im in,PLease ******* Help Me!!!!

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