Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Having issues trusting the boyfriend after a stupid lie - will this feeling go away?

Hun, I'll tell you something from experience. If you don't trust him, you can't be with him. I was in a four year relationship and the entire time I didn't trust him because he, too, had a history of cheating and getting a new gf every week. Till this day I love him but I will never be able to trust him which is why I'm not with him. My point is, if it doesn't feel right, don't do it! I didn't trust him and I would tell him I didn't care if he would hang out with girls or talk to girls or whatever, but once I found out he talked to all these girls I thought he was cheating so we constantly broke up and got back together for four years, Now when I think of him, I want to punch him in the face because I know that I can't trust him. My ex boyfriend would do the same things your boyfriend is doing. I'm not saying break up with him, but I am saying be careful and if you want to be with him you have to trust him because you can't be in a relationship with someone you don't trust. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship along with honesty. The difference between my ex boyfriend and your boyfriend is my ex boyfriend wouldn't tell me he was going to places. I found out from his friends. Also my ex boyfriend was a hypocrite since he wouldn't let me talk to my guy friends, but I didn't listen. Basically just do what you think is right.

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