Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is he playin m eor does he love me HELP?

ive been seeing this bloke the last year and a half now and we had our ups and downs always arguing and we ended up breakin up on and off a few times but we both say we love each other and i honestly do love him and recently we got back seein each other and he stays over and all in my home with my 2 kids and he is great with them he is 9 years older than me and i thought hed be alot more mature well we got in to a conversation last night and i said are we back together and he said no not yet were just seein how it is goin and i said but why are u callin the shots its not fair.. but he says he loves me and wants to spend his life with me but im really mixed up.. and last night i rang and tol dhim i cant do it anymore bcs im goin in a circle and he he was cryin then and said jen i know i love u and i said well ok ill give it 2 weeks and if theres no arging and all and he said ye we will get together he said he doesnt wanna rush back into a relationship bcs we had a bad break up.. i this guy playin me or is he afraid of commintment he is 31...

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