Saturday, July 16, 2011

How come my higher self doesn't Always help me?

Hi :) Lately I've been feeling really isolated, sad and alone. I've been dealing with a lot of external & internal issues on my own and it's starting to drive me crazy. All I could think to do was try sitting quietly, try meditating, and get in touch with my higher self. I didn't know where else to turn. I started crying immediately lol but once I stopped, i just listened. sometimes I do hear a voice speaking to me, and I'll write it down, and I'll feel calm. But other times when I really need to hear my inner voice, she says nothing. :( and I'm left feeling just as alone, or even more so. why does this happen? how come i can't always hear my higher self, or why does my higher self sometimes just keep quiet? please help, thanks!

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