Friday, July 15, 2011

My boyfriend doesnt tell me much, i snooped and found out things i dont want to know?

So i know the first thing i did was make a big mistake by going behind my boyfriends back and logging onto his facebook without telling him. i found out he had messages from his ex which he responded to and one of them was flirty and its from when we were dating. i over reacted because ive been done wrong before but i know thats no excuse so i hacked his email too and it seems like he didnt tell me everything certainly mislead me about who he was before we met and i feel like some were flat out lies. he said he never spent as much time talking on the phone and texting with me but he had a blackberry and all his text conversations were saved in his email, he had 70 pages worth over a 2 month period. even if we did talk that much i am certainly not the first girl he has done that with. he used to send his ex all kinds of pictures of himself and never sends any to me. i also found out he was on a dating website but one that was more for sex than actually dating which he cancalled a couple of months before we started dating but sent some random girls messages about how they were attractive and hed like to meet up with them. he is 28, and told me hes only been with 5 girls including me and his only one night stand was in college. if that is true why is he sending random girls lets hook up emails? this is so far from the guy i thought he was. i know he used to party a little when he was my age (im 21) but im not like that and he doesnt party much any more and hasnt since we started dating. weve been together 10 months now and i just found this out a few days ago. i know our age gap is a little wide being 7 years but ive asked him about his past and this is not at all what i thought i would find. if i had seen this before we got serious i wouldnt have stuck around but we have talked about marriage and i love the man that he has shown me but is that really him? and even if it is if he loves me why couldnt he be honest and tell me the truth? i really dont know what to do about it, any kind of advice would be great. and i know snooping was wrong and now i wish i had never done it. we were happy before and i screwed it all up

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