Sunday, July 10, 2011

If you could make a zombie lego movie what would it be about?!?

One day john was walking!Suddenly he saw a shadow!He got closer to the shadow!When he was close to the shadow a zombie popped out and ate him!Mean while danny was walking in the cementary when suddenly a hand popped out and buried danny in the grave!While george was bieng chased by zombies a zombie bit his head!...3 people has been killed 3 hours ago said reporter Tiffany.Well i got to go said Amy....3 minutes later Paul and will Were watching Dectictive Dean trying to solve the Mystery of Johns death!It seems it was a cannibal who left the bite marks on Johns head!Said Dectictive dean!Suddenly John got up and bit dectictive Dean!We got to run said Officer Thomas!Paul ,Will ,Henry ,and Thomas hid in Walmart....Im gonna check on my car said Daphne.Ok said Amy!When Daphne got outside a zombie bit Daphne!Then The zombie went inside the party!Everybody ran out of the party room ,but Brian felled ,and the zombie ate Brian!...Lets watch the news said Officer Thomas.As you can see the military are killing the zombies said Reporter Ron.Oh no Surgent Iam just got killed by the zombies said Reporter Ron.Suddenly the zombies attacked the military and Ron!Suddenly a zombie attacked reporter Tiffany.Suddenly a guy named jack chopped Henrys arm and left!He must be a physco said Henry!Were gonna hunt jack down said Officer Thomas!Henry you stay here said Paul.When Henry was alone a zombie popped out of the roof and ate Henry!Meanwhile Jack popped out and chopped officer Thomas head!Paul and Will got in a fight with Jack!Suddenly a group of zombies ate Jack!Paul and Will Got in a car!When they saw a soldier they told the soldier what happened.The soldier name was Roger.Roger took Paul and Will inside his airplane.Paul and Will were happy to see Amy in the airplane! THE END

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