Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My mom keeps snapping at me for no reason.. *Long* I need some advice?

Story of my ****** life... you handled that situation 10 times better than i would have. My mom is the same freakin way and it gets on my nerves... I honestly dont know why are parents are this way, im only 13 me and my mom were never cool with eachother, im not sure how i can help you but to talk to other famly member, one thats close to your mom. maybe have that family member talk to your mom and have them tell her how you feel, things might get better if she understands how you feel. Catch her when shes not mad, or even have your sister bring it up to her... Gosh, you and me where like the same. My sister also doesnt get treated that way but does notice. All i say is... MAN I CANT WAIT To MOVE AWAY FROM YOU. i just pray and count down the years till college. lol

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