Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is it better to have no father at all, or have one that is barely there & not a good person?

Fathers day is tomorrow, & I have a 10 month old without one. I always said she doesn't need a dad, blah blah, but it's starting to hit me, seeing these teen girls with teen dads who love their babies. I was so selfish, I needed to have my daughter, despite knowing that hed be absent early on. But i'm starting to freak out more and more as the days go by that my child does not have any father, let alone ANY strong male influence, or any other strong influence at all. I became pregnant at 18 & my childs father abused me physically & mentally. He has 5 other kids, and i watched him tell off his 13 year old when she asked him to do christmas for her & her brother. He spit on me, pushed me, & told me he was going to trip me on my stomach just for trying to be equal in his conversations (thats what everything rooted from, him trying to show everyone that I was his little puppet.. hed do these things in front of people). The numerous stories are too detailed and long to explain. I feel terrible, I have given my child no options, either a dad who is garbage and I am positive will give her a void that she tries to fill with other garbage men, or none at all. By the way, he CLAIMS he wants to meet her but everytime ive tried (3 times) hes disappeared on judgment day, popping up months later saying it's my fault. I dont know what he wants. He told me the other day he wants to sign over rights because ill never let him meet her, & i kept telling him what do you mean ive tried. He then asked me, what do you want me to do, & i said i dont care. I actually felt happy that I wouldnt have to deal with him in the future. No one understands or gets it. I know not one person anywhere near my predicament. I don't know what to do.

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