Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to get my ex to talk to me?

ok well me and my ex dated for a year . we were madly in love we have millons of memores when it snowed we walked to the train after school together we would wait for everyone to go ahead of us so we could be alone hed pck me up spin me and we would make up games and we gave eachother out presents there to there was a street we would go down just to be alone i even gavehim hs birthday gift there too. when it snowed he would hold my waist over deep pats so i wouldnt slip and one time slipped down and we both were histeically laughin and laid n the snow togethe and he told me one day he would marry me and he wants to be together throughout the rest of highschool and get married and all the stuff you would have in a dream. we would go out all the time and be on the phone and xbox for hours and one time he took me to the beach at nght we looked at the boats and we were by ourselves and we had the ipod on to the songs that reminded us of eachother. and yes i did lose my vrginity with him and we got even closer. on valentines day he bought me a teddy bear and i got him chocolates and he took me to dinner. We would go ove eachothers houses and everything. One day i found out I was mving to P.A. about 120 miles from where i lived . my dad had a business we had to move next door to it . when i told my bf he was crushed . we spent our last night at my house . we both layed down and histerically cried and we said we wouldnt let go . he said one day im going to find u and marry you i promise. It was time to go. i held his hand the car ide to his house on the way there, we looked aound all the places we used to be . the stores , streets, everything. when he let go of my hand , that was the last time saw him. i was moving in two days. then i found out the next day instead of coming to say goodbye to me one more time, he kissed my best friend ... after that we didnt talk. now i have been in P.a fo two 1/2 months, hes been talking to me on and off but he never tells me why he hates me sometimes. yesterday he called me a hoe and never to speak to him again... he usually likes when i chase him but this time he was serous. he blocked me on facebook, and he said will never hear his voice again. :'( all i want s for us to be good friends and I was supposed to visit him last week but couldnt and he wanted to see me he told me to surprse him one day but idk if thats a good idea now . Please give me advce cant even hear the songs we used to listen to now today i cried when i head back to decembe by taylor swft that was the song we lstened to while we cried that last night i saw him. people told me he posted on his facebook wall that song from youtube . idk what to do should i give him space and wait fo him to talk to me because a few days ago he called me we spoke about all our memories and he told me he missed me and he sent me a video of us laughing and it made me upset . now that he told me all that terrible stuff last night what should I do? Do have any hope? He wouldnt even tell me what i did to make him hate me .

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