Monday, July 11, 2011

How do I control my anger in certain situations?

I am 16 years old. I only get angry and aggressive at the people that I know the most, usually being my parents who frustrate me on occasion; which I am not proud of at all. Most of the time I am ok with my parents and we have a good relationship but on times I just lose it. Earlier this evening I was playing on FIFA 11 and I lost a game that I thought that I deserved to win, this lead me to get angrier and angrier. This has always been a problem to me and has lead to me being in tears when I was younger however still wanting to play the game. I threw my controller and started shouting uncontrollably very loudly and obviously swear word were used. I didn't used to swear when I got angry at the computer games however over the past 2/3 years I have not been able to contain them and my parents have given up trying to control me or calm me down. I have had complaints from neighbours in the past and have had some embarrassing times stood at the door trying to explain to a complete stranger why I was so loud. In every day life I am usually more confident around my friends but when it comes to people I don't know I am really quite and get really nervous. I was wondering what the best option would be on trying to stop this because it's an ongoing thing and is hard to stop. I have considered some sort of anger management but have never really thought more of it. Please help me with this issue and give me your best advice (:

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